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Life's Just Like That Cup Of Coffee

Saturday, February 2

was supposed to wake up at 8am but overslept due to the xiong exercise yesterday. i have so much complains about these bunch of people. just because of 1 psp lost they called down an investigation team to take photos and do all those stupid stuffs. most importantly they dragged us in and we have to stay back with them. eh when we lost 3 psp from our company we didnt call them down leh. we already let you check our bunks before the exercise liao still not enough ar?


after finally booking out, took taxi to aunt's housewarming in yiochukang. played with shyan with the saf biscuit, the way she reacted was cute. then went up to play with faith. she's super hyperactive and keeps dancing here and there. i stepped in and she imitated me. we did ballet, hip hop, superman, spiderman, batman and ultraman. cute. when we were about to leave she gave me a little kiss on the cheek. that certainly brighten up my er..night? sweet.

grandma was hospitalized due to a leg infection and prolonged fever. went down to de shop and tended for around 2 hours before i cannot tahan and went home to cook lunch. it was 3pm. in the end she had to be warded for observations. seriously hope it's nothing serious. went out to meet up with polymates for dinner at newton. ordered fried rice, stingray and satay. walked over to fareast and see see. wished all the best to Kelly. she's going to Perth for further studies. went back home and tadah.

going to NUH tomorrow early in the morning.big events coming up.stress level shooting up.