just another normal day.with the normal activities.normal meals.normal tv programmes.
here's dinner: (Gong Bao Ji Ding) i wonder where the prawns came from..
BUT i tidied my drawers and cupboard.lol.super dusty.i looked like i time travelled back into the past.lol.i just cant stand my things being too messy and no more space for me to put stuffs on the table.so i just automatically started my 'nanny' job.
BUT it's worth it cuz...i found alot of stuffs.things that i forgot where i have misplaced them.like cards and pictures.lol.
TADAH...sadly speaking...that's me alright...during...hmm...poly 1st year? i forget...better forget...back then i got this feel...this 'fu' feel.lol.
threw away quite alot of stuffs. :)
have been singing ah ge a.k.a. cao ge's songs whole day long.lol.addicted.jialat.it wont be long before my voice becomes ah du's.
you must be tired after the looonnnggg practice right?didnt expect it to drag so long.haha.have an early night ok?. :)
here's dinner: (Gong Bao Ji Ding) i wonder where the prawns came from..
BUT i tidied my drawers and cupboard.lol.super dusty.i looked like i time travelled back into the past.lol.i just cant stand my things being too messy and no more space for me to put stuffs on the table.so i just automatically started my 'nanny' job.
BUT it's worth it cuz...i found alot of stuffs.things that i forgot where i have misplaced them.like cards and pictures.lol.
threw away quite alot of stuffs. :)
have been singing ah ge a.k.a. cao ge's songs whole day long.lol.addicted.jialat.it wont be long before my voice becomes ah du's.
you must be tired after the looonnnggg practice right?didnt expect it to drag so long.haha.have an early night ok?. :)