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Life's Just Like That Cup Of Coffee

Saturday, April 5

'Faster take your passport!.take water bottle.'

next time i can forget about my alarm clock.i just need to tape down what they are talking about.lol.woke up by their loud conversations.mum and 2 sisters are going to Malaysia to pray at some temple and eat some seafood feast there.

checked mails and stuffs.sms came.lol.seems like you were dragged for running.but running is a healthy activity.look on the bright side k?. :)

wanted to head down to meet you but my hair's really messy.lol.ever seen a just-woke-up caveman?.around there le.lol.

head down to visit grandparents + buy lunch.grandpa's getting thinner as the days goes by.must buy more stuffs for him so that he has no excuse but to eat.wahaha.lesson learnt today:greed is the thing that separates the rich and poor.

mum came back with 'linglinglonglongs'.apparently they enjoyed the trip and bought alot of stuffs back.lol.the place they told me wasnt bad.maybe we could go there?.lol.what on earth am i thinking of...

tomorrow's the day.