Took off and went to cineleisure with baby. we had lunch at Xin Wang restaurant. the food's seriously nice and very tempting. i just feel like having a little of everything they have there!. but the most interesting thing that got me is how they use metal mugs for drinks. it's nostalgic and you hardly see this type of stuffs around unless you head down to Hong Kong style restaurants.
we watched Madagascar 2:Escape to Africa. Like it's first movie the second movie is seriously hilarious and kinda heart touching too. Not everyone is the same. you could be better in this field but others could beat you in other stuffs. my say?. go and watch this show even when you have 8bucks left in your wallet. it's worth the laugh.
walked towards wisma atrium to take a look at the levi's jeans. they are having this promotion of trading in your old jeans (any brands) for a 50bucks discount over their new jeans worth more than 100 bucks. meaning you get around 50% discount. the old jeans that they collect will be sent over to poor countries for charitable acts. Brought along the jeans that the army supplied us when ours got burnt. it was kinda big and not very suitable for me so might as well see if i can get something nicer?. but in the end baby found this pair that was so suitable for her and it really looks nice on her so bought the jeans for her. :) finally got her first pair of levi's.
while darling went for her ballet lesson i went back home to have my dinner before i go over to her house!.hehe.
22/11/08 Saturday
Raise and shine!. woke up with baby in my arms. arr..if only time can stop here.. :) baby's dad had to do some delivery to kelinery road before we head to chinatown for breakfast!. well the 1buck porridge and bee hoon was really worth it but i think the best combination is still you tiao with the porridge. the porridge was abit different from those you'd find. normal porridge is kinda thick but this porridge is more watery yet it still contains rich flavours of fish and peanuts in it. nice.
went over to the dessert stall and we had almond and black sesame paste. it's quite rich in flavour and it's thick~. nice. went down the stairs to visit the wet market. honestly speaking it's my first time here i mean chinatown wet market well maybe my parents or relatives may have brought me here before but i dont really remember. we watched how the fish mongers slaughter the catfish. baby was overwhelmed by it and i tried to calm her down.
baby went for her rehearsal for her performance at night and i went back home to rest for awhile and do my secret mission before going over to help her out.BUT i also never do much thing at the community was the cameraman for the
23/11/08 Sunday
woke up at 7am and started preparing for my secret mission. visited grandpa before making my way to baby's. she was still sleeping and her sleeping pose was very cute. i seldom see her sleeping like that. Gave her the surprise and i am glad that she loved it.
baby i hope you like the D.I.Y. calender i did for you. it's not as nice as those commercial types but it's how i show i love you.i always will. :) Happy 7th Month Anniversary. :)
baby i dont really know what happened today but i want you to know that i will not leave you. i will not give you up no matter what happens. i am sticking to you and you are sticking to me remember?.i love you. i always will.