went back camp this morning for the division new year celebration which took place at the field there. we played some boring games like opening up ang baos to find chinese letters to piece them together to form new year phrases.

am i shag or what?seriously coffee isnt working for me today.hope i can tahan until at least 12am.
following that, the non-chinese participants went down. they have to draw out chinese phrases spelled out in english. eg. long ma jing sheng= dragon horse spirit/energy. some of them are very weird sounds abit funny. upcoming next is the liondance which is so-so lor.
went to cookhouse and ate some stuffs down there. BDE comm gave us ang baos which had $2 in them. i was quite surprised cos i thought there wouldnt be anything in it. along with the ang bao are 2 mandarin oranges. 1 of them i think is not ripe enough yet. taste super weird. threw away.
as usual ah bu talk talk talk until 12+ before we could book out. went out take bus. flagged bus. zooom~ right in my face. i dont know what happened but all i know is that those people at the bus stop were quite upset about this incident.
got home took a short bath then went down to grandma's shop. did abit of stock up and counter then close shop. these are rare occasions for the old people to rest. sometimes i just wish they could rest longer.
came up. tidied up my room. well at least abit. helped my mum with the steamboat ingredients.
i realise i look abit like chipmunk (especially the head) should be the hair.no.must be.haha.
06022008 21:18
i am waiting..