it's the 2nd day of new usual i was the last one to wake up cos i was the last to ZZzz.haha.what logic is this.did my usual stuff and went to change clothes.
took a cup of coffee.
went over to ah ma house after that.played mahjong for awhile.won quite abit.more cousins came over to warm up the place.then they left to visit their individual relatives.went to take a nap on the sofa.woke up and realised that i came along.she wore those mini chong sum.super cute.
brought her downstairs to mac.came back up's like human weighs training.she look so mini beside blackjack all the way till win no loss.relatives going to visit my house tomorrow.
took a cup of coffee.
went over to lao ma's house in khatib.she was ZZzzing when we reached so went over the other side to relax. my nephew was in the room playing laptop.went in and disturbed him awhile before i came out to drink my 2nd cup of coffee.not that sweet not that bitter.nice..cousin came.saw me.complimented that i looked like a bumble bee.but i still think i look like banana with peanut butter.lao ma woke up so went to greet her.she was in a good mood.but still cannot remember me.took breakfast after's what breakfast looked like:
'Maybe it's all in the gene that gave excessive thinking'