first coffee of the day.went toilet to do business + bathe.halfway done can hear the kids screaming nephew was already waiting for me in my room when i came out of the bathroom.asked me to let him play PS2.tried.tried.tried.when we finally get to play.'Lai go already.' haha.tough luck kid.
went over to nephew's house near vista point.the house was quite empty.if i have the chance i would draw something on the wall.was teasing my nephew all the way cos he said 'aiyo so many things' so i was 'aiyo so little things' haha.he seemed quite they say.boys never grow up.hohoho.
went to my aunt's house in khatib.not exactly khatib maybe just the border of yishun and khatib cousins just woke up.1 was playing his usual maple while the other is eatting meepok in the kitchen.took bacon bak kua there.super nice but must control cos of my ulcer.ouch.saw my cousin's stack of A-cash cards.i was wondering.if he didnt spend all those money i think he could buy 2 PS3s already.haha.
went over to my other aunt's in yishun right behind the mrt station.bought some chicken and duck rice from the S-11 before heading up.the kids were in my cousin's room.i just sat outside on the sofa and stare into air...until my mum come and asked me to go have lunch.havent even sit down say want to take i was pulled over and took a photo of the group(without me.)
finally went over to my aunt's house at yishun aunts (who own the unit) with my sister and cousin went for gym session while the rest of us just laid back on the sofa and ZZzz.My uncle and the kids were playing poker at 1 corner and as they are kids.they tend to get noisy.very i kept waking up and going back to ZZzz.
Went over to ah ma house for dinner.Dad was already there.seems like they closed the shop early which is good.more rest for them.drank coffee.had dinner.another battle unfolds..we started playing blackjack around 7pm.little shyan came around first she looked quite tired.heard from her mum that she cried on the way there.i dont know why but she always stare at i look weird?let's hope that's not the case.haha.surprisingly she laughed when i teased her.phew.
'papa!pa!pa!pa!'suddenly shyan just went off calling her dad who was making faces at her behind me.gave her those small oranges and she just threw it back at at least she was smiling.and guess who came along.little faith.she just came over from sentosa and she's in the same mini chongsum.while playing poker halfway she treated me to a pineapple tart.a partly squashed gave me a goodbye kiss on the cheeks before i sweet of her.
guess i had quite some luck today.won over 2 'red' notes. (thanks for the luck.)
dont think i will finish munching the nuts.too many of them.later tomorrow become ah du then jialat.good nitex.
'it's not the ending that i's the process that i cherish.'